What you are about to read may not come as a revelation, but it is worth mentioning.
When you buy online you get a shipping fee that is calculated by the weight of your purchase + the distance to you + the size of the goods.
Why should you care? Because it is YOUR money paying for it!!!
Some companies, Bump Stopper among them, try to make it as accessible as possible for their clients, giving them the cheapest shipping charges available.
We think you should be happy spending your hard earned money (or your allowance, or that $20 you found on the street last night) on PRODUCTS, not in shipping them to you.
That's why we only use USPS Flat Rate services!
Do you see why this is great for you?
No? Alright, let me explain...
Let's say you love Bump Stopper-2 (and who doesn't?) and you buy it every month or so.
If you buy 1 piece, the full cost of shipping it goes to that 1 piece cost. But if you buy 4 pieces, the cost of shipping remains the same, and it gets diluted among the 4 pieces!!!
So here is how you save money: at checkout try including more pieces until you see the Shipping cost change. Then take the last piece off your order and voila! you've found the "Most Bang For Your Buck" in the transaction.
You are welcome.