#SelfieFriday, 'cos it's Friday!

#SelfieFriday, 'cos it's Friday!

Fridays at 5pm is when I look at the weekend in the eye and say: I'm happy it's Friday!

Let's celebrate we have the weekend to go out with friends, visit family and/or do nothing and just stay home watching movies and eating directly from the box. Am I the only one who does the latter?

Anyway, since we are all looking good and looking forward to begin the weekend, let's take a selfie and post it on Twitter @BumpStoppr or Facebook.com/BumpStopper.

Maybe you will win 1 Bump Stopper product of your choice, completely free!

Rules are very simple: post your selfie, preferably with a Bump Stopper product, on Twitter or Facebook and you will be eligible to win 1 product of your choice, shipped to you AT NO CHARGE! 

Yes, because we are THAT good. And we like you THAT much!

Good luck!

Valid only for Continental USA, Canada and Mexico.


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