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Cuando trabajamos o estudiamos es poco el tiempo que podemos dedicar a afeitarnos. Cada dia que nos afeitamos vamos dañando nuestra piel sin darnos cuenta. Aqui te presentamos 5 tips para ayudarte a conseguir la afeitada perfecta. 1) Prepara la piel. La afeitada comienza antesde aplicar la crema de afeitar y comenzar a pasar la maquinilla. Lava tu cara con agua tibie y dale tiempo a que el agua ablande tu barba.  2) Aplica un Aceite de Afeitar. Un buen aceite de afeitar hara que la maquinilla de afeitar se deslice sobre la piel, sin tocarla, eliminando el rozamiento innecesario que produce...

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We have a new website, and we want to share our excitement with you! A few months ago we started working on making the website better, faster and easier to use.  Voila! the new website is here now, and we love it! We are happy about it and want you to be happy about it too, so check it out and let us know how do you like it. Your time and loyalty will be rewarded: Use code NEW16 at checkout for a 15% Discount off your order!!! Leave your comments below, we really want to hear from you!

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